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Easy Reading

Living off the Land – (Part 3) – Quite Literally! – A Florida (Vacation?) Experience


(Continued from Part 2)   By: SA Rowner   The jet ski pricing at JSK was reasonable, the machines in great condition, and most importantly, the people nice.   Our guide pointed out a massive manatee hanging out by the docks to us. He explained that being creatures that live primarily in salt and brackish water, they love the treat of freshwater from the hose when he rinses the jetskis....

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Easy Reading

Living off the Land – (Part 2) – Quite Literally! – A Florida (Vacation?) Experience


(Continued from Part 1)   By SA Rowner The world of social media sharing makes so many jealous because people choose to share picture-perfect moments that make your life look like a fantasy on unending positive experiences.   You don’t find people sharing things that don’t go right. But face it, nothing in life is completely perfect.   It’s a good thing that you can’t smell pictures, because, well, while...

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Easy Reading

Living off the Land – (Part 1) – Quite Literally! – A Florida (Vacation?) Experience


(Warning… not for the faint of heart!)   By S.A. Rowner   There are two kinds of vacations. At least in my opinion.   There’s the vacation that you take, to just kick up your feet and relax, with a drink at your side, and do nothing but breathe.   Maybe I’ll enjoy those someday, but for now, I can’t imagine doing that for more than 45 minutes without dying...

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Easy Reading

Learn From My Mistakes


…so you don’t have to make them yourself. By S.A. Rowner   Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way.   Like the time I went skiing for the first time, when I was about nineteen or twenty years old and came down an entire frozen mountain, painfully on my posterior. Most of that pain was probably shame.   You see, I grew up in the era where roller...

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Is that a lizard?


Yes! And here’s why you want them to stay… South Florida is home to beautiful weather, amazing attractions, Florida Kosher Villas and yes, millions of little lizards running around everywhere. But hey, no need for panic. These guys are part of the scenery and the sunny weather nature life around here, and if you let them, will be a memorable and enjoyable part of your Florida experience.   Here are...

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Easy Reading

For Heaven’s Sake!


For Heaven’s Sake!   By: S.A. Rowner   Why I did it is a whole other story, but I used to teach 9th 10th, and 11th-grade boys. In two Yeshiva High Schools.   Ok, teach might be a strong word. You might call torture, or probably more aptly, glorified babysitting where I entertain young adults while attempting to maintain order and convey some information that they’ll find useful enough to...

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